Police Department Security

Police work has always been difficult. Law enforcement in different parts of California can rely on PSS On-Site to improve their efforts.  

Portable Surveillance Unit

PSS On-Site Law Enforcement Unit can be used for covert surveillance and to deter crimes. Move it to wherever you want; from an empty parking lot to a busy square, make full use of our powerful video cameras, however, it is easy and convenient for you. 

With PSS On-Site Police Force will have 1 less thing to worry about

Improve officer security

Direct policemen

Prevent crimes

Safeguard private properties and civilians

Produce evidence

police department security

With PSS On Site, police can multiply their boots on the ground

Quick Deployment

PSS On-Site can be set up quickly, in less than 30 minutes so that you can have your workforce secured instantly. 

Security for Special Events and Gatherings 

Police departments have large events which need extra security for peacekeeping and the safety of everyone involved. Our system is designed to help officers to watch over the events, keep an eye on areas of concern and assist policemen to manage crowds. 

Keep track of incidents

Assist policemen’s efforts

Reduce incidents and crimes

Improve crowd management

Build a Transparent Chain of Custody 

It is vital to collect evidence especially when it comes to law enforcement. Collecting evidence of the crime is significant to the successful inquiry and prosecution of crimes. Our Police Department Units record images, videos, and audio, and the cloud-based system makes it simple to retrieve any data and share it with all the parties involved to create a transparent chain of command. 

PSS On Site is the Solution to Every Security Problem of your Police Department!

To get more information on how to get PSS On Site’s Police Department Unit set up on your site, contact us today!

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